Tired of mlm leads pitchesPitches for How to Generate MLM Leads are Everywhere.

You can’t go on Twitter or a Facebook group without seeing six of the same “Get MLM Lead” ads posted by wanna be gurus.
Why is it that so many people are pitching the exact same “I can show you how to get MLM leads” message?
Because they are trying to make a lead out of you.
They are hoping to enroll you into the same program they are using to generate leads, which means you will then be competing against them, using the exact same “done for you” cut and paste stuff to target the same people with the same message.

That doesn’t sound like the definition of success to me.

MLM leads and wanna be gurusIf they really knew how to generate leads for their MLM and really understood the power of MLM, why would they invest time in anything other than building their MLM business?
“To make money from the people who don’t enroll in your MLM”, they say.
So you trade time and energy building linear income and sacrifice the power of the 8th wonder of the world, geometric growth, for a few hundred bucks a month.
Bad trade, I say.

You don’t need a magic marketing system to generate mlm leads.

If you really want to learn internet marketing to attract people for your business, and I believe you should, there are less expensive ways. Ways that won’t require you to use the limited time you have to promote another deal when you should be focusing on your MLM.
Your MLM business is where your wealth will come from.
Focus on that.
Build that.
Don’t let yourself be distracted by promises of how to build mlm leads.
Study people who have built the MLM business you want. Some of them have written books and will tell you what you need to learn for less than $20.
That’s a pretty good deal.
You can also find some very good training on various aspects of digital marketing that cost a lot less than most of the “how to” affiliate programs will cost.
If you’d like a few suggestions, ask me in the comments or send me an email. I’ll share a few of my favorites.
I’d also be fascinated to hear what your favorites are. Leave a comment about that, too, if you like.
Mean time, stay focused on your goal.
Build you MLM. Create walkaway, residual income and use it to create wealth.
If, by chance you’re looking for an MLM home from which to build your empire, send me an email and we can chat and see if what I’m building is a fit for you.

Steve Norris
Steve Norris

Looking for the comma that's missing from your retirement accounts? So was I. Together, let's fix that. We'll build cash flow through a side-business, use that money to invest and create wealth and build a legacy for our families.