The Power of One

How to create a huge network marketing organization.
I’m reading Brian Carruthers’ book Building an Empire. It should be the next book you read on how to build a solid, long-term network marketing business.
In it, he talks about an idea I first read in Don Failla’s book, The 45 Second Presentation That Will Change Your Life which powerfully explains the impact that the 8th Wonder of the World, compound growth. You’ll find this in Don’s book as Napkin Presentation 1.
What makes the network marketing business model so powerful is that it not just allows but encourages every distributor to enroll additional distributors in order to create a large organization that moves a lot of product.
The mistake many people make though, is they look at some of the large, successful organizations some distributors have created, groups of 10,000 or 20,000 or even 100,000 and believe they could never recruit enough people to make that happen.
And so they don’t join or they never achieve the growth they could.

The Secret to Geometric Growth

So let’s assume that you are beginning your network marketing career and you sponsor two people. You teach them to sponsor two people and teach those people how to sponsor two, down five levels. You would have a total group of 62 people.
Power of 1
But if you recruit just one more so you have three, then teach those three to each sponsor three and teach those three to each sponsor three and so on, you will have a total of 363 people in your group. That’s an enormous difference.
But the real difference is just one. Each person sponsored just one more person and then taught them to do the same.

It gets better as you go

Let’s say that instead of three, you sponsor four and teach them to do the same and you do that through your group.
The power of one
If you duplicate that, you end up with a group of 1364 instead of 363. That’s a phenomenal difference, but again, the real difference is just one. You and your team only each recruited one more.
Now if you have a group of 1364 people and they each only sell $100 of product each month, that’s a volume of $136,400.
With most programs, you will earn overrides of somewhere between 3% and 5% of your group volume. That’s a check for $6820.
And you only personally sponsored four.
You can do the math to go levels deeper or to increase your personally sponsored to 5 or 6 or whatever. It just gets better as you do.

Train and Duplicate

But the key takeaway is that you did not have to personally sponsor the whole world.
You sponsored 3 or 4 or 5.
You then worked with them and taught them how to do what you just did.
Then you work with them to teach their new people how to do the same thing and so on down the line.
So don’t make the mistake of thinking you need to recruit your entire army yourself.
Yes, it will take more than 4 people sponsored to find the 4 that will actually build their business. You may have to sponsor 8 or 12 or more. But when you find people who will do the work and you invest time with them to teach them how to do this very simple business of ours, you will reap rewards beyond your initial investment.
You will build a strong, profitable, loyal team who will do fantastic things. You will help them grow and achieve their goals and as a result, you will end up achieving yours.
Now let’s go do this.

But wait, there’s more…

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Steve Norris
Steve Norris

Looking for the comma that's missing from your retirement accounts? So was I. Together, let's fix that. We'll build cash flow through a side-business, use that money to invest and create wealth and build a legacy for our families.