1991 Jeep Grand Wagoneer

Hey there, fellas. Let me take you on a little trip down memory lane. Once upon a time, I owned a Jeep Grand Wagoneer, a 1991 model—the last year they were made. Man, I loved that car. It was like having a living room on wheels that could take me anywhere I wanted to go.

But then gas prices started to soar, and it was costing me over a hundred bucks just to fill the tank. So, I sold it. And you know what? A part of me has regretted that sale ever since I took the cash from the new buyer. But looking back, it was a smart move.

1991 Jeep Grand Wagoneer

The Gas-Guzzling Reality

I’m not the only one who’s had to make tough choices because of gas prices. When I’m out and about, I’m floored at the number of SUVs and Trucks people drive. It’s like a parade of gas-guzzlers out there. Cadillac Escalades and Ford F-150s as far as the eye can see. These bad boys might look cool, but they’re drinking fuel like it’s going out of style. Forget the advertised miles per gallon; in the real world, these monsters are guzzling way more.

The Sword of Damocles: Rising Oil Prices

Hold onto your hats, gents, because the oil market is like a roller coaster that in the long run only goes up. Experts are talking about oil prices hitting $120 a barrel, maybe even $300 if you believe the doomsayers. Remember the last time oil prices went through the roof? Gas was $5 to $7 a gallon. Now, imagine filling up your Escalade or F-150 at those prices. We’re talking about a financial gut punch every time you hit the pump.

The Domino Effect: Your Wallet and Beyond

Here’s the kicker: 60-70% of Americans are living paycheck-to-paycheck. So, what happens when you add a couple hundred bucks a month in gas to the equation? Something’s gotta give. And it isn’t gonna be your mortgage or your kid’s college fund. It’s gonna be those little luxuries, like eating out or buying new clothes. Or maybe groceries. Retailers are gonna feel the pinch, and that’s gonna send ripples through the economy.

The Inconvenient Truth: Energy Supply and Demand

You might think, “Hey, what about green energy?” Well, don’t hold your breath. We’re not drilling enough for new oil, and the world’s thirst for fossil fuels is growing by the day. Green energy? It’s only a drop in the bucket, contributing just 5% to global energy needs. So, don’t expect solar panels and wind turbines to bail us out anytime soon.

The Bottom Line

Look, if you’re thinking about starting a home business, now’s the time to get serious about your expenses and where your money’s going. Gas prices are just the tip of the iceberg. We’re heading into an energy “super shock,” and you don’t want to be caught unprepared.

So, what’s the game plan? Keep an eye on your spending, consider investments that’ll give you some cushion, and maybe—just maybe—think twice about that gas-guzzling dream car. Trust me, your future self will thank you.

If You’re Looking for a Business

If you’re still looking for the right business to help you get ahead of inflation and to start filling your savings account with gobs of cash, take a look at the system I’ve been using to go from panic-stricken retailer to full-time grandpa.

Steve Norris
Steve Norris

Looking for the comma that's missing from your retirement accounts? So was I. Together, let's fix that. We'll build cash flow through a side-business, use that money to invest and create wealth and build a legacy for our families.