You’ve been told that building your network marketing business online doesn’t work.
That it doesn’t duplicate.
But let’s face it, people have been doing it long enough, successfully enough to FINALLY prove that internet-based recruiting works for building a network marketing business.
Here are three tested methods you and your team can use to build your business online.
In fact, because of the leverage it provides, it could be one of the most effective home business strategies ever.
To define terms, “internet marketing” describes any activities that use online tactics or strategies, such as ads, blogging, email lists, social media sites and the like.
A lot of folks who are old enough to remember a time when there weren’t computers in every home or pocket (I’m one of them), keep these strategies at arm’s length, thinking they are somehow a “distraction” from successful, traditional network marketing techniques (I’m not one of them).
I won’t disparage those techniques, because they are still effective; I still use them and so should you at the appropriate times.
But the biggest names you know in the network marketing profession are all using internet-based marketing because that has become the primary way people gather and share information.
You ignore that fact at your peril.
More specifically, a sub-set of marketing called “Attraction Marketing” has come to the forefront because, done properly, it allows you to build a trusted brand and a loyal following of people who will buy the things you recommend because they know, like and trust you.
Even today, most of the industry doesn’t utilize these strategies, often claiming they can’t be duplicated by the masses, so shouldn’t be used for network marketing.
That’s a short-sighted view.
So today I’m going to share the top 3 strategies people are using today to successfully build their network marketing business on the internet.

Strategy 1 – Social Media Prospecting
This approach is really a twist on the tried-and-true method of prospecting off-line. It isn’t really “marketing”, because you are going first and reaching out, but it is more effective and efficient than prospecting at malls.
Here’s a simple, effective process to prospect online.
I’ll use Facebook for the example, but this works just as well on LinkedIn.
Use search to find “Friends of Friends”.
Facebook will allow you to send direct messages to these 2nd degree connections and land in their Inbox instead of the “other” folder.
If you look for people who also live locally, you can arrange to meet them in person, which allows for much stronger connections down the road.
Scan their profile, looking for common interests and things that might indicate they would be a fit for your products or your business.
Do they give off a good vibe?
Do they seem like a person you’d want to hang out with?
Send them a direct message, tailored to them specifically. Mention that you have friend(s) in common.
Mention you’re “expanding in the area” and ask if they’re “open to taking a look” or “open to earning extra money”.
In this step, you’re hitting the ball across the net and seeing if they hit it back.
DO NOT send any links or specifically mention your company name.
The name because they can look it up on Google, which will reduce their need for you to provide them information if they are intrigued.
No links because it’s spammy and bad form.
This message is ONLY intended to get them to express interest if they have any.
If they’re interested, book a face-to-face (best), Zoom or phone meeting.
Follow whatever recruiting process your upline or company provides from here.
If they don’t respond to your initial message, you have a choice: move on or try one more time.
I prefer to send a second message 5 or so days later if I don’t hear back on my initial contact.
Sometimes they haven’t seen your initial message. Sometimes they saw it but were busy with something else and forgot to respond.
This second message is just a quick note to see if they received the initial message and find out if they’re interested.
If you don’t hear back on this 2nd message, move on and assume the answer is “no”. Being pushy is bad form in any field of selling.
So that’s ONE way to do it…

Strategy 2 – Curiosity Posts
We’re dipping our toe into marketing here.
With this tactic, you create a post that tells the story of results you or someone else has gotten from your products or your business.

When they read the post, some people will make comments expressing interest or send you a direct message. You proceed from there.

You can try adding a Call to Action at the end of your post, something like “drop a comment below if you’d like more info”.
A CTA (Call to Action) will make the post fell a little more “sales-y”.
The advantage is that sometimes people need to be hit on the head and told what you want them to do next. Try a few posts with and a few posts without a CTA and see what gets better results for you.
To move these people along your process, your upline probably has training available for presenting and closing. If not, there are many good trainings available to teach you how to do this.

Strategy 3 – Attraction Marketing
This fully jumps us into marketing – letting them come to you rather than you going first.
This strategy has been successfully used by extremely successful network marketers for several years now. People earning 6 and 7 figures per year have adopted this strategy as their own and have built large, duplicating businesses.
You can learn the entire blueprint for how to get fresh, quality prospects asking you about your opportunity every single day by watching The FREE Video Series available here.
With this method, you can create a PASSIVE way to fill your Inbox with notifications from 5, 10 or 50 new prospects who are interested in learning more about your business right now.
You could even learn how to get that Inbox popping with notifications of new CUSTOMERS who have ordered product and are fired up about the results they hope to get.
Or you could get notifications of new DISTRIBUTORS ready to sign up and build their own business, following you as their leader.
These tactics are used by just about every major business on the planet.
Why not you?
Adding these Attraction marketing strategies to your mix of prospecting and referrals can catapult your business to job-dropping heights.
So if you want to learn how to build using a proven system for building a solid business online, you can learn more about it here with our FREE video series.
You’ll learn how to brand and position yourself so you won’t have to chase or pester anyone to take a look at your products or your business again.
The truth is, you don’t have to be sales-y, spammy, pushy or annoying to build a huge, successful business.
You just need to know a few skills.
So if you’re ready to get started…
Click this link to get immediate access to our FREE 5 Video series on how to get fresh, quality prospects asking you about your opportunity or your products every single day and start generating leads this week!
I look forward to working with you.