Grinding it Out in MLMIs Grinding a Bad Thing?

I had an interesting conversation with someone in a Facebook Group today.
This person stated that she wasn’t into grinding, she was into leverage.
Now I’m the first person to agree that leverage, through duplication, is the key to long term success in network marketing.
You cannot create a lifestyle of freedom and be the sole focus of your business. You can’t be the person who is signing people up as fast as you lose them and never building a team that duplicates and grows. To succeed in network marketing, you MUST teach, coach and train your team to follow a simple system and to teach their people to follow that system as well.
That said, the work of creating content, sending emails, having conversations with people, training your team, hosting webinars and other activities must be done. Even on the days you don’t really feel like doing them.
This, to me, is grinding.
Doing the work that needs to be done. Every day. No matter how you feel at the time.

Fly the Plane

My favorite metaphor for building a business is that of flying an airplane.
To get an airplane off the ground takes a tremendous amount of energy. You have to generate enough thrust to create lift and overcome gravity. You use full throttle to move your plane down the runway and get it into the air.
As you get to cruising altitude, you back off the throttle and use considerably less energy to maintain your altitude and flight path.

Your MLM business works the same way.

When you start, you have to put in a lot of energy to get things off the ground. It’s going to take work and energy on your part to get things moving.
You’re going to have to prospect or market to find people to talk to about your business.
You’re going to have to get information in front of the people you find and follow up.
When you sign up a new business partner, you’re going to have to invest time and energy into training them.
And you’re going to be doing these things for some time.
Now there will come a time, if you build it right, when your business will require less and less of your direct input because you have taught your team how to do what you have done. This is the leverage part of the equation.
But without the diligent work on the front end, the grinding when you were getting very little return, you will not get your business to cruising altitude.
So yes, build for leverage. Leverage your team, leverage your upline, leverage the tools and the system you are taught. Leverage the internet to generate leads and to communicate with your prospects and your team.
But don’t forget that it takes effort, yes grinding, on your part to make it all happen.
If you’d like more ideas on how you can build your tribe, I have a great newsletter that I think will help you out. Just enter your information in the form below and I’ll make sure you get it.

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steve norris
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Skype: norris.steve