5 steps to unlimited network marketing prospects

5 Steps to Unlimited Network Marketing Prospects

Eric Worre is a master in our profession. He is the creator of Network Marketing Pro and author of the fantastic book, Go Pro: 7 Steps to Becoming a Network Marketing Professional. In this presentation, Eric outlines 5 steps to take to be able to generate unlimited network marketing prospects.
I am a big proponent of online attraction marketing for network marketing lead generation. I also believe that you will miss many opportunities and leave a lot of money on the table if you do not also master the art of creating prospects from the people you meet in your day to day life.
So let’s get started:
Do you find yourself asking “Do I know anyone?” when faced with the thought of finding prospects for your network marketing business? As you talk to (or talked to) the folks on your list, did you start to drain the list, making it shorter and shorter? Did your anxiety grow as you started worrying about having enough people to talk to to reach your goals?
The good news is that your success will not be determined by the quality or quantity of your list when you start your business. The truth is that successful network marketing leaders consider finding prospects a skill that can be developed. Most of the people sponsored by the big earners, even in your company, are people they met after they joined the business. Their past list was not the key to their success.

Step 1 – Create an Active Candidate List

This isn’t a list of the 6 people you think will be good for the business. This is a complete list of everyone you have ever known. Pretend that you’re getting paid $1000 per name and fill out the list. Use memory joggers provided by your company, or you can download one from Eric at www.networkmarketingpro.com/memoryjogger
Active Candidate List

Step 2 – Constantly Expand Your List

Since your business is going to consist mostly of people you will meet in the future, your list isn’t dependent upon who you know today. It’s who you are going to meet. Every day, try adding two new people to your list. Not necessarily people that you are going to prospect, but people you meet and connect with. Develop the habit of becoming curious about people and start collecting friends.
COnstantly Expand Your List

Step 3 – Raise Your Awareness

Many times we will be out and about in the world and we won’t pick up on the signals people give that they could be people we could connect with. This is the cool part of the business: it lets us get out of our small circle of people we know and meet lots and lots of new, interesting people to build a relationship with. Whether they are a fit for your business or not, you can build a big life by building a big group of friends and acquaintances.

Raise your AwarenessStep 4 – Never Pre-Judge

We often make the mistake of thinking one person isn’t right for the business because they don’t have any money. Or someone else is right because they already have a great job and make lots of money. But you don’t know what’s going on in someone else’s head. It’s our job to give them an opportunity to “Just take a look” at our business and let them make their own decision. Let them be the judge of whether they are right for your business. You never know when a person is ready to make a change.

Never Pre-JudgeStep 5 – Network on Purpose

Join new groups. Volunteer. Expand your horizons.Get out of your house and connect with your community. Build friendships and relationships.  Be a citizen of the world. You’ll meet people that will enrich your life and you’ll meet people that will be right for your business.
Network on PurposeSo those are your 5 steps to unlimited network marketing prospects.

  1. Make your list.
  2. Expand your list.
  3. Raise your awareness to the opportunities around you.
  4. Never prejudge whether someone will, won’t can or can’t do the business.
  5. Network on purpose.

Get started working on them today. Put them to use, practice and build your group. After you’ve worked with this for a while, let me know about your progress. I’d love to hear of your successes and your challenges.
So that you can also hear it straight from Eric, here’s the entire video:

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