Don't Brand Your Twitter Page With Your MLMCongratulations! You’ve gone into business with a network marketing company and you want to utilize Twitter as an avenue for generating business leads. Bravo! Twitter is a fantastic place to generate network marketing leads.
Let me give you a word of caution, though.
Your network marketing company is your partner in this venture, not your employer. You are not an employee of theirs, you are an independent contractor.
Many people sign up with a network marketing company and use their company products, name or images as part of their profile on their Twitter page. This is a mistake. Why, you ask?
Here are 3 reasons it’s a bad idea to brand your Twitter account with your network marketing company.
Reason 1 – Companies go out of business – You are certain your company is a winner. You have the best products, a strong leadership team and fantastic field support. Your company is going to be the next Nuskin, the next Amway. A billion dollar player.
But what if you’re mistaken? What if your company does what the majority of young businesses do and folds? You’ll have spent months or even years working to develop a profile based on your company’s brand. You will lose ground having to rebrand when you are forced to move on. Not a good plan.
Reason 2 – You might change companies – As much as you are convinced that you have found the best company for you, people do change. Yes, even you. Are you still at the same employer you were 10 years ago? Still even in the same field? Have you ever seen or heard of a company changing policies and causing people to leave? It happens. It could happen to you. Then you’re stuck in the same situation as if your company went out of business. You need to re-brand. And you need to explain why you left, after touting the company for so long. It will cost you time and, potentially some credibility with your audience.
Reason 3 – MLM company rules against logo use on internet. If they haven’t yet, your company likely will establish policies and procedures limiting or prohibiting you from using the company name, logo or trademarks in advertising or social media. They do this to protect themselves from overzealous marketers making claims that aren’t backed up by research, or wild income claims or anything else that could put the company in a position where it needs to defend itself against lawsuits or government action. The company can’t risk its image or its resources on the potential wrongful advertising on the part of thousands of distributors. So using their brand in your account is not just a bad idea for you, it’s probably a bad idea for your company, too.

But the real reason

But the real reason you should not brand your Twitter account with your MLM company is that you aren’t branding you.
To build a truly successful business, one that will outlast the vagaries of companies coming and going, you must be your own brand. By creating a brand around yourself, it does you significantly less damage if your company goes out of business.
Sure it causes a bump in the road, but your business isn’t built around it. You will still have the audience you’ve built who look to you for leadership and ideas. You will still have customers who are loyal to you, distributors who are loyal to you. You will be able to move on much more easily.
It’s the same thing if you change companies for some reason. The people following you are following YOU. Not your MLM company. So if you decide that your company isn’t the best fit for you anymore, for whatever reason, you don’t lose traction with your audience.

People join people, not companies.

People buy from people, not companies. You are the person that people will follow or not.
Spend your thought, time and energy creating a you, a brand, that people will resonate with, follow and purchase from. You will build a better business and be better able to withstand the turmoils of the marketplace.
Want to learn how to build a brand around yourself? We’ve created a short video that lays out the 5 Step Formula that the most successful top earners in the industry use to develop their own brand, generate leads, sign up reps and make money, even from the people who don’t join their business. Click here to get instant access to this video and learn how to do what the 6 figure earners do.
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Steve Norris
Steve Norris

Looking for the comma that's missing from your retirement accounts? So was I. Together, let's fix that. We'll build cash flow through a side-business, use that money to invest and create wealth and build a legacy for our families.