Get Twitter Followers Fast3 Easy Steps to Get Twitter Followers FAST.

If you’re tweeting as part of your social media marketing strategy, you’re going to want to get Twitter followers fast. The way to succeed with Twitter, like any other marketing campaign, is to gather a large following of people who are interested in what you have to say. If you don’t have an audience, it doesn’t matter how brilliant you are, no one will know. If they aren’t targeted for your content, you may as well shout to the wind.
Likewise, if you only have a small group of followers, you don’t have a very large pool to tap for information, either. One of the cool things about Twitter is that you can gain a ton of information by getting into conversation with a huge variety of people.
Consequently you need followers. Either people you can teach, people you can learn from or people you can profit with. The faster you get those followers, the sooner you will reap the benefits Twitter offers.
There are several methods to get Twitter followers fast. Here are three that I’ve been using with pretty good success.

My Case Study

How successful? Well, I started using Twitter on January 16, 2016. Just a short time ago. I’ve actually had the account for several years, but had never done anything with it. So on January 16th, I decided to use Twitter to find leads (“leads” is just a salesy way of saying people to talk to about your products/service/opportunity) and develop a network of people with whom I could swap ideas about network marketing.
Here’s a screenshot from Twitter Analytics about my account:
Twitter Analytices Results
I’m a day or two away from 2,000 followers and I grew my account from 0 on Jan 16 to 1,762 on Feb 15. I think that’s a pretty good start.
Here’s how I did it:

Follow and Unfollow.

One thing I did to get Twitter followers fast was look for influencers in the home business and network marketing arenas. People whose followers are probably people who would be interested in my message or have things that I could learn. I then go through the influencer’s list of followers, looking for people who are active on the platform, have real accounts, and have interesting bios in their profile. Then I follow them.
A cool part of the culture with Twitter is that if you follow someone, they will usually check you out and, if you look like an interesting person, they’ll follow you back, at least initially. You then need to actually provide interesting content and/or conversation to keep them as part of your audience. More on that another day, but this added many followers per day.
I’ve used a couple tools to help make the process a little easier. One is Crowdfire, which I wrote about here. I’m also currently using Statusbrew which used to be Unfollowers. They’re both good apps and make the process a little easier.


The second technique I’m using to get Twitter followers fast is something I learned from Jeff Bullas’ blog. The article, by Reginald Chan, talks about using Retweets as a strategy for growth.
This is pretty slick, because it lets you show people what you are interested in and that you’re on the platform to provide value to the group, not just to take from it.
When you retweet someone’s tweet, you gain exposure you to their audience. Retweeting tells people you agree with a post. Letting people know what you think attracts followers. Letting people know that you agree with a person whom they already follow makes you more attractive as someone to follow. And they do.
So find thought leaders and influencers in your niche and follow them. When they tweet something you really like, retweet it. Add thoughtful comments to your retweet to amplify your value. Do this several times a day and you will be adding followers to your audience.

Join in Conversations

The third technique I’m using is the one I’ve most recently added. It’s showing some promising results. I got this one from Aaron Lee in a post he wrote for PostPlanner.
In that post, Aaron talks about a couple clever search tweaks he uses to find conversations that are relevant to your business. He suggests adding “–http” to your searches. This eliminates search results that contain links, making the results more likely to be interactive rather than pitches.
I’ve used the idea with good effect. And joining in on conversations that are relevant to your business is a great way to gain exposure. You’ll increase your perceived authority and, as a result, more people will choose to follow you to learn what else you have to say. It’s an excellent way to add people to your audience who are interested in your point of view.
People join people, not companies. People do business with people, not companies. So get involved with conversations and people and build your tribe.
These are three techniques you can use right now to start getting Twitter followers fast. If you’d like some more ideas for building your Twitter audience, we’ve put together a free, 47 minute video training with still more great ideas on how you can use Twitter to build authority and generate targeted, relevant leads for your business. Access it right now by clicking on this link.
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steve norris
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Skype: norris.steve