If you want to build a large successful network marketing business you need to sponsor people and teach them how to do network marketing. At the same time, you need to develop retail customers. Product customers should come from friends, relatives, neighbors and people who choose to not join you in building a business.
Retail customers add volume and profit.
Customers add to your profit, your personal volume for qualifications and your group’s volume. Everyone should have and maintain a group of retail customers. That said, you don’t need a huge book of customers, either. Three to ten is a good number to maintain. If you want more, by all means go for it, but I believe your time is better spent looking for additional team builders. That’s where your best leverage is.
I prefer to add new customers as a Plan B to recruiting and sponsoring new team builders. When I approach someone about joining my business and they aren’t interested, I ask if they want to try the product as a customer. If that fails, I see if I can get a referral to someone who might be interested in either the product or the opportunity.
Follow up to provide service.

Once I have a new customer, I use a follow-up sequence to make sure they are happy with their purchase. I check in with them right around the day they receive their first order. Then again about a week later, and again two weeks after that. I want to make sure they are using the products, using them correctly and getting benefits from them. These are your customers. Your company may or may not have a follow up program for customers but it is your job to maintain that relationship either way. The goal is to develop long-term customers who buy more products as time goes by.
There are several good reasons for this. These long term customers sometimes become distributors themselves. Also, as their success with the product continues, they can be a great source of referrals. Finally, cutomers that buy a product from you and are happy with the experience are also highly likely to try additional products as well.
Duplicate retailing in your team.
So while you are out recruiting builders, build your customer base as well. It will grow your volume, increase your profits and give you a source of new builders down the road. Teach your team to develop a retail base and watch that duplicate throughout your organization.