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I’m reading Mach 2 With Your Hair on Fire by Richard Bliss Brooke and in it he talks about the difference between desire and vision as part of the goal setting process.

Lots of books on mindset teach that you have to work yourself up into a “white hot burning desire” to achieve what you want. (I’m looking at you, Think and Grow Rich.)

When you do that, you will have the motivation to do what is necessary to reach your goal.

I don’t know about you, but there have been lots of times in my life when I’ve really, really, really wanted something and yet still wasn’t able to make it happen.

That always left me confused about the whole Positive Mental Attitude concept.

I was pretty sure I wanted things badly enough…

But my results didn’t match what I wanted.

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Why Goals Aren’t Enough

Brooke explains why that is in a way that makes sense to me.

He says that the problem is most likely that your vision doesn’t match your goals.

Goals are what you want.

Vision is what you think is inevitable. What you think reality is for you.

If your goal is to make $200,000 per year in your home business but your self-image, your vision of yourself, is that you are a $75,000 per year person, your vision will sabotage your efforts.

You will lack the motivation to reach your goal because deep-down, you don’t believe that it’s possible for you.

So to break through, you need to layer new beiefs about yourself over your old beliefs until the new vision sticks.

It’s the neuroscience of the right kind of affirmations over a period of time shifting the vision we have for ourselves.

I’ll be talking more about this as I dive deeper into the book and practice what he preaches.

Meantime, you can pick up a copy of the book from Amazon or directly from the author at

Highly recommended.

Make it a great day,

Steve Norris signature

PS Are you a positive, passionate, principle centered, persistent person who loves to grow, give and serve while leveraging the AWESOME power of the internet? If so… you may want to download This 183 Page Freedom Escape Plan (a step by step blueprint for creating a lucrative online business you can be proud of)