Values Based Marketing for Network Marketers

Values Based Marketing for Network Marketers

I was watching an old video on YouTube in which Steve Jobs makes a persuasive argument for the notion of values based marketing. In the seven minute video Jobs, recently returned to Apple, is announcing the company’s new brand campaign, “Think Different”. The interesting thing about the presentation Jobs gives isn’t about the ad. It’s about why they did the ad they did.

Marketing is About Values

“To me, marketing is about values. This is a very complicated world, it’s a very noisy world. And we’re not going to get a chance to get people to remember much about us – no company is. And so we have to be really clear on what we want them to know about us.”

Jobs’ point about communicating through the noise is as relevant to we solopreneurs as it is to the Apples of the world. Since people have limited mind space in which to catalog the things they like, we need to make sure we are sending a congruent message about ourselves and what we stand for with every message, post and tweet. We need to provide the pegs on which people will hang their opinions of us so that they catalog us based on our values. Then, if their values are in alignment with ours, we will have a basis for a relationship.

You Don’t Have to Fake It

The cool thing about values based marketing is that you don’t have to fake a particular set of values (which you probably couldn’t pull off anyway). The value of freedom and autonomy is not better or worse than the value of security. Each will attract people who share it. This means that you don’t have to fake who you are to be successful. You can present yourself, your values and your ideals to the marketplace and people that resonate with you will be attracted to you.

“Our customers want to know who is Apple and what is it we stand for. Where do we fit in this world?”

Your customers and prospects want to know the same thing about you.
So tell them. Tell them in your blog posts. Tell them in your videos. In your tweets and in your pictures. Make your message about your values, what drives you and the things to which you aspire. Build your tribe around those things and you will have a group who will work with you, buy from you and stick with you for the long run.
If you’d like more ideas on how you can build your tribe, I have a great newsletter that I think will help you out. Just enter your information in the form below and I’ll make sure you get it.

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steve norris
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