Two Boats ans a HelicopterThere’s an old story

about a devout man whose town experienced a flood. The waters are rising, and the man climbs on to the roof of his house. Some people come by in a boat and offer to take him with them, but he declines, saying “Don’t worry about me, God will save me.”
The waters keep rising, the man is now chest deep in the swirling flood, hanging on to his chimney. Another boat comes by and the occupants encourage the man to join them. Again he declines. “No, no. I’ll be fine. God will save me.”
A little while later, the waters still rising, a helicopter comes by. They lower a rope and shout down to the man to climb to safety and a third time he says, “No, God will protect me. Please find someone else who needs help.”
Two boats and a helicopterThe waters keep rising, and the man ultimately drowns in the flood.
Upon reaching heaven,the man is ushered into the presence of God for an audience. The man asks Him, “Father, I’ve been a righteous and devout man my entire life. I trusted you to provide for me and to protect me from the flood. Where were you when I needed you?”
God looks at the man with sadness and says, “My son, I sent two boats and a helicopter. Why did you ignore my help?”

Have you missed your boat?

I have felt like the man on the roof. Not that I’ve necessarily been particularly devout or righteous, but I’ve always trusted that things would work out for me. I have always worked hard and made money for my employer. I thought God (or time or fate) would take care of me.
Then I realized that He’s been trying to, for a long time.
I’ve been offered early entry to a couple of ground floor opportunities that went on to become gigantic companies. Multiple billions in sales. And I had the chance to get in early. People who took advantage of the same opportunities that were presented to me, went on to create fortunes for themselves.
If I had jumped in and put the kind of effort into those opportunities I’ve always given to my employers, I could probably buy an island by now.
But I didn’t.

I had faith, but I didn’t have faith in the right thing.

I thought God (or the universe or call it what you will) would sprinkle fairy dust and I’d be financially successful. Whoops. God doesn’t do fairy dust.
I missed an ingredient. Digging in and making the effort and doing the work on the right project.
And so I languished after missing my two boats. Kept on working too many hours for someone else’s business, building someone else’s dream.

Luckily for me, I was sent a helicopter.

I have again been presented with an opportunity with a young company. Remarkable products that get real results. Corporate leadership that demonstrates the values I hold dear for doing business. Good people to work with.
This time, I did what the devout man didn’t. I grabbed the rope.
I’m on the helicopter and am in the process of doing the work to generate the success I missed out on two times before. That’s what I write about here.
Doing the work.
Earning the trust, making the connections, building the tribe.
Hopefully I’ll create something with this blog that helps you along your path to success, however you define it.
Maybe together we can save you from missing out on the first, or second, boat.
If you’d like more ideas on how you can build your tribe, I have a great newsletter that I think will help you out. Just enter your information in the form below and I’ll make sure you get it.

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steve norris
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