In the pursuit of social network marketing, I’ve been spending a fair amount of time on Twitter lately. What I once thought was a platform for lots of people to talk at each other in soundbites, is turning into a place where I’m having interesting conversations with people I might not otherwise meet. I’ve followed a pretty simple strategy to attract followers on Twitter and to turn some of them into acquaintances and even into leads for my business. Here is the basic 3 Step process I’m using on Twitter as part of my social network marketing plan.

Step 1 – Follow

The first step of this social network marketing strategy is to begin following people. I look fsocial network marketingor people who are involved with network marketing, social media marketing or entrepreneurship. Something I learned back in my real estate days was to hang out with people I can either teach something to, learn from or profit with. Those are the people I look for on social media.
I’ll look for people who are currently followers of network marketing companies or thought leaders in marketing and social media. I’ll look at the list of followers of a thought leader, for example, and look for people whose bio looks interesting. If they look like someone I can teach something to or learn from, I’ll follow them.
Part of the culture of Twitter is that a pretty fair percentage of people whom you follow will reciprocate and follow you back. This is how you begin to build your audience.

Step 2 – Tweet

OK, you’re building an audience. Now you provide content. Social network marketing is all about content. Content is the current vernacular, but really all it is, is information. You can post (tweet) quotes, affirmations, links to blog posts or videos you’ve created. You can tweet links to articles you find informative or interesting. What you want to do is send out information that can help your followers move forward in their business or their lives. When you provide information that helps people build their business and build their freedom, you become an interesting and valuable resource. People will retweet your posts, and they will ask you questions. At the same time, you will be retweeting posts that people you are following make that you find useful and interesting. All this lets you move to…

Step 3 – Engage

When people share your stuff, reach out and thank them. Start a conversation and ask them questions. Get to know them a little and see if there is something more you can do to help them build their business. Maybe they are looking for a different network marketing company. Maybe they are looking for help generating leads or finding a path to profitability. These people are leads for your business. If you’re using MLSP, as I do and recommend, you have even more to offer them. At the minimum you can make a friend to share ideas with and work with to move you both forward. This is social network marketing at its best.
So that’s it. A simple and easy system to build an audience on Twitter and to begin generating leads for your business. In a future post, I’ll talk about a few tools I’m using to help automate the process and make it more efficient.
If you have any questions or other ideas, I’d love to hear them. Hit me up in the comments.
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steve norris
Steve Norris’ blog
Skype: norris.steve