video camera in studio

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Hi, how you doing?

I have a quick Tip, something I just came up with which I think is quick and easy way to transcribe video for blog posts.

I was reading the book Managing Oneself by Peter Drucker and in it ,one of the things he talks about, is that people are either Auditory or Visual learners. He says people are either listeners or they’re readers. And if you’re one you’re not the other. There is a difference is how these two kind of people learn and process information.

This got me to thinking that in this age where more and more content is being delivered by video like you’re watching right now, people that are listeners are going to get the message because they hear it. However, the readers among us are gonna fall behind because they just don’t process information that way. They need to see the information in order to process it.

So because of this, I started playing with transcribing videos into text so that on a blog post I can display video and I can also have the text.

But transcription’s a real pain in the neck. The usual way to trascribe video into text is to listen to the loop over and over again so you get the right words, typing as you go. It takes a lot of time, it’s boring and I just really didn’t want to invest that kind of time to do it.

I didn’t want to pay somebody to transcribe video for me because I thought I could probably hack a solution for the thing and, I have.

How to transcribe the video

For word processing on my computer, I use Microsoft Word, but you could transcribe video this very same way in Google Docs.

Microsoft Word has a dictation feature in it. So it lets you speak in the program instead of typing.

So what I’m doing right now is I’m recording this video and off to the side I have Microsoft Word recording it and transcribing my speech as I go.

Now, it’s not putting in the spaces and punctuation and things like that, but it is recording my words as I speak them. And after I’m done with this video I can take 5 or 7 minutes and go ahead and edit it. I’ll put in paragraphs where paragraphs are supposed to be and put periods where periods are supposed to be. I can clean up the typing a bit and make it a readable transcription. Then put both the video and the written version into a single blog post.

That way I’m catering to both the listeners and the readers in the audience and making content accessible for both.

So I just thought that was a really neat idea. I’m going to try it for a while to transcribe video and see how it works for me. You can do it yourself using either Microsoft Word or Google Docs. If you do, let me know how it goes for you.

Steve Norris
Steve Norris

Looking for the comma that's missing from your retirement accounts? So was I. Together, let's fix that. We'll build cash flow through a side-business, use that money to invest and create wealth and build a legacy for our families.