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Hey. This message is for those people that keep saying I’m too broke to start a business.

I get this all the time. Between incoming traffic and social media conversations, there isn’t a week goes by where I don’t have several people going,

“I can’t afford.”

“I can’t afford.”

“I don’t have.”

“I don’t have.”

Has it ever occurred to you, the reason you “don’t have” is because you continually decide that you “don’t have”?

Probably not.

But here’s the thing, There’s a sliding scale of responsibility around your life.

At the top of the scale you’re responsible. That means you cause your result.

At the bottom of the scale you don’t cause anything. Everyone else is causing results that happen to you.

The sad thing is that when you take someone who is not very responsible and you try to explain to them,

“You know you’re actually creating your results”,

they don’t believe it.

They can’t have that because if they accepted that, then all this trouble they’ve been having would be their fault.

But fault isn’t the issue.

Responsibility is.

Blame or fault doesn’t matter.

What’s important is the question of who or what is causing your results, don’t you think?

If you really believe Something Other Than You is causing your results, just go sit on the couch and wait for things to change for you.

You’ll be waiting for a long time.

Unless you get into action and DO something, nothing different is going to happen.

If you keep telling yourself you’re broke, that’s what you’re going to produce.

I used to be really good at this. I had all sorts of people to blame for my broke circumstances. My single mom who worked too much and didn’t spend enough time with me, my dad who was never around, the boss that must have had it in for me, you name it.

And that stuff just had me creating more lousy results.

So for starters, let’s stop that.

Instead, let’s start looking for solutions.

What are you gonna do?

It’s not just gonna fix itself.

These problems don’t just go away.

I know; I tried that route and it sucks.

Life’s problems generally don’t just go away.

And since we talk about money here, let’s narrow it down and face the fact that whatever income problems you have right now are not going to just go away.

You have to solve them.

And even if you’re getting by right now, unless you have a plan to increase your income, you’re skating on really thin ice.

Inflation is rocketing out of control right now.

Housing’s going up how much a year?

The price of meat is doubling every six months.

Gas is over $5 a gallon.

People telling you inflation is only running 6% or 8% are out of their minds or lying to you.

So you have to do something and you have to do it now because the longer you wait, the harder it’s going to be and the broker you’re gonna get.

Time is not your friend.

I was lucky enough to find a couple of people who pointed me in the right direction to help get my head on straight and start fixing my life.

One of the things they taught me was the object of the game is to complete cycles of action against time. That means the more you can do per unit of time, the more power you can generate.

The more you wait, the longer you procrastinate and make excuses, the harder it’s gonna be.

That’s just the way it is.

You and I didn’t invent the rules of this universe, so we have to abide by them if we’re going to change our circumstances.


If you wanna create change, you’re gonna have to stop making excuses.

You’re going to have to start looking at what actions you can do right now.

No matter where you are now, you could do something to get into action and move forward.

It isn’t true that you can’t do something. You could.

There are affiliate businesses you can start for $25.

Do you mean to say you can’t come up with $25?

No wonder you’re broke.

You could panhandle $25 from a street corner in a couple hours.

You could probably sell some crap that’s in your garage for $25.

Or skip the 2-a-day Red Bull habit for a week.

“Well, I don’t wanna do that.”

No, I know you don’t want to do a damn thing.

That’s why you’re broke.

Look, I get it.

I’ve been there.

So broke we filed bankruptcy and lived off our food storage for months. $200 grocery budget for a family of four broke.

But I was lucky enough to find some people who would tell me the truth instead of maybe what I wanted to hear.

Things like, “I don’t see you doing whatever it takes. I only see you doing what’s convenient”.

And he was right.

I was stuck in my job, settling for being too “tired” at the end of the day to take the actions I needed to change my circumstances. I was keeping myself on the same path I’d been on and that path wasn’t taking me anywhere I wanted to be.

Maybe that’s true for you.

And if so, one of these days, one of two things is going to happen.

You’re going to reach a point where you’re so sick of where you are that you’ll start taking the actions to change it


You’ll get so depressed about where you are that you slide into a pit of funk and wallow in it for the rest of your days.

Your call.

The simple fact is that you’re broke because you aren’t doing anything that would produce income.

Watching Netflix doesn’t produce income. Playing on the softball team doesn’t produce income. Playing video games doesn’t (for most people anyway) produce income. Bitching, moaning and complaining don’t produce income.

Wishing doesn’t produce income.

One of my mentors taught me that there are only seven things that produce income.

It’s contacting other human beings. Then communicating with them, qualifying them and inviting them to look at the information for whatever offer you’re promoting. Then presenting it to them and following up with them regularly and finally handling any questions or concerns that come up.

That’s it. There’s only seven things.

That’s all that there is that produces income.

And you’re either gonna do them or you’re not.

It’s all up to you to decide.

You can generate income.

And the idea that working from home, sitting in a comfy chair with a tasty beverage close at hand is too hard, I think it’s just sheer stupidity.

Doesn’t your family deserve better? Don’t your kids deserve better? I mean, shame on you.

You go to bed at night and you think before you fall asleep,

“I can’t do it. I don’t have. Everyone’s against me. Poor me.”

And while that may be an interesting pastime for you, but it’s not gonna produce any results.

Or at least not results that will make anything about your life better.

If you’re going to make a change, you need to decide that this is getting done. Damn the torpedoes. It doesn’t matter what barriers you run into, what bombs go off in your way, how many brick walls you gotta blast your way through.

Just get it done.

And when you start operating this way, suddenly things start going right in your life.

And the cool part is that when you start taking responsibility for causing things in your life, you start to see the results you want.

Every single one of you can do something about your circumstances.

But most of you just don’t want to. Not really.

And until you make new decisions, take new actions, nothing’s gonna change in your life.

When you finally do come to the conclusion that you need to do something about it, you’re gonna need some kind of an offer and I can tell you that the easiest thing that I’ve found has been recurring income for continuity programs.

Something you get paid for over and over every month.

One we’re doing right now takes $25 to get started and pays a $20 commission on it. Every month.

Will it make you rich?

Probably not, but it can get you to $100 per day and for most of you, that’s enough to replace your job.

And we have all sorts of training about what to do so that once you have made the decision to take action and get it done, you’ll know the right steps to take and how to take them.

It’s as easy as it’s gonna get for you folks. There is no magic button. There is make a decision to do it and then there’s what offer am I going to do and what kind of help is available to teach me to do it?

There is nowhere else you’re gonna go where that’s gonna be better than with us.

That’s just my observation but I just haven’t seen anyone else that has gone to the lengths we’ve gone to put those resources together to help you do that.

So if you’re ready to make a decision to change your life and you want to do something about it find out more by clicking HERE

Steve Norris
Steve Norris

Looking for the comma that's missing from your retirement accounts? So was I. Together, let's fix that. We'll build cash flow through a side-business, use that money to invest and create wealth and build a legacy for our families.