People often ask a person who is brand-new to network marketing, “how much are you making?”
It’s a question usually asked by folks who don’t know any other means of income than trading time for dollars. They think in terms of hourly wage or weekly salary.
Building a business works differently.
Building a business takes time.
It takes time to acquire customers and to build a team, thereby generating revenue.

There’s a woman on our team who is a sterling example of this. I’ll let Jen tell you in her own words:
“I just wanted to share with everyone on the day we are all loving on our commissions, this wasn’t always my income here.”
“I’ve seen a couple people mention they had a minimal commission check…
- I made $67 in May, and June.
- $0 in July (in fact -$110 because of Smrtship)
- $67 in August
- $1,100 in September (Orlando Event Month)
- $2800 in October (started focusing on DMO)
- $FULL TIME INCOME as of November!
“My goal for December is $10,000.”
“lease know, this takes time.“
“This takes work.“
“This takes FUN.“
“Everyone’s journey is different, that is what makes us so special.”
“Mindset is everything. You need to KNOW your goals and dreams will happen if you DO the DO!“
In her first four months, Jen totalled $208 in income.
People with a short-term, pay-me-now mindset would have quit.
They wouldn’t have had the vision and tenacity to keep going, to keep believing after 4 months without making money.
They wouldn’t have understood the notion of putting in the work to build an asset that will eventually pay very well for work they didn’t directly perform.
And that’s too bad.
Because while Jen’s income continues to increase while her personal activity doesn’t, those folks will still be grinding away for the hourly rate or the salary. They’ll be trading the most valuable thing they have, time, for dollars.
And while that’s OK, there is a better way.
Building a Network Marketing business isn’t easy and it isn’t for everyone.
But while Network Marketing isn’t perfect, it is better.