This is Part 2 in my series about starting a home business. You can start at the beginning by clicking here.

Starting a Home Business

So you want to start a home business. It’s an exciting thing. No more boss. No more corporate buffoonery. No alarm clocks, politics, rush-hour traffic or uncomfortable clothes. Spend your time doing only what you enjoy and making a living doing it.
Sounds great. But reality is a little colder than that.
While there can be great freedom in starting a home business, it isn’t all sunshine and lollipops and it isn’t necessarily for everyone.
So first things first:

Is starting a home business something you should do?

The biggest question you need to answer before diving in is,
Can you make a plan for your work and then knuckle down and do that plan, without anyone looking over your shoulder and insisting that you do?
The biggest challenge in starting a home business and making it a success is that there is no one telling you what to do and when to do it. Yes, you are the boss. You are also, at least in the beginning, the only employee.
Customers need created, product needs sold, ads need run, calls need made, marketing needs to be done, the trash needs taken out and the toilets need cleaned. Guess who gets to do it all?
There are skills you will need to learn. And while there are many sources where you can learn those skills, you are the one who has to do the learning, trying and failing forward as you go.
Can you make yourself do that? And keep doing that until you figure out what you need to and make your business a success?
If you can get over that hurdle, make yourself learn and work and keep doing it every day, then the rest you will be able to figure out. Heck, there might even be time for the occasional Bon-bon.

What kind of business?

If you can confidently answer “yes” to the above questions, then any skills or knowledge you might currently lack are irrelevant; you will learn what you need to learn and figure out what you need to as you go.
So what kind of business should you start?
There are many answers to that, ranging from consulting to selling crafts on Etsy.
The choice I made, and the one I would encourage you to consider is to build your business around Network Marketing.
Yeah, I know that many people, maybe even you, have tried doing network marketing and fallen on their faces. Lots of folks think it’s a scheme or a scam.
I am convinced that people fail at Network Marketing primarily because they don’t follow the advice I give a few paragraphs back. They didn’t make themselves do the work until they gained the skills and knowledge to reach success. They didn’t realize (or perhaps weren’t told) that Network Marketing is a business of marketing and promotion. Selling, even. That, like other businesses, customers need to be created and serviced.
Too many people present Network Marketing as an easy way to become rich. Let me be clear: barring odds-beating luck, there is no easy way to become rich. Network Marketing is unique in that it offers the opportunity to achieve genuine wealth regardless of your current status.
You can get started part time. It doesn’t require a big investment. You can operate it from anywhere.
These are a few of the reasons that I believe that Network Marketing is an ideal basis for starting a home business. That said, there are other components I believe you should have in place if you want to build a business that has potential for longevity.
We’ll talk more about this and a ltittle more about Network Marketing in the next installment.
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steve norris
Steve Norris’ blog
Skype: norris.steve