Starting a Home Based Business

In this series, I will demonstrate the process of starting a home based business which will, over the coming year, grow to replace my full time income. It will be part journal, part tutorial and part laboratory. I’ll describe the home based business I’ve chosen and why. I’ll outline what I do to start and launch a home based business. I’ll provide tools and systems and tactics I use. When something works, I’ll tell you about it and when something crashes and burns, I’ll tell you that, too. Since I’ll be testing some tactics I’ve never tried before, this will be an interesting experience for both of us.

About Network Marketing

Part of my business involves a network marketing company. Some of you will tune out at that because you, or someone you know once fell on their face trying to build a network marketing business. If that’s you, I’d encourage you to stick around for a few posts. I’ll tell you why I’m an advocate for network marketing and why I have come to believe in the efficacy of the network marketing model. You still might decide it isn’t for you, and that’s cool, but at least you’ll have a little food for thought.

Not about Network Marketing

If you’re currently involved with network marketing, I also implement some other components that fill in what I believe are the gaps in the standard network marketing/ MLM model. There should be interesting information for you here as well. I’ll delve into marketing basics and answering the common question of “Do I really have to sell to my family?”
I look forward to carrying on this conversation with you for the coming month. If you have questions about any of it, leave comments and I’ll address them as well. I’m hoping this can be a great learning experience for both of us.
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steve norris
Steve Norris’ blog
Skype: norris.steve