shopping mall

The shopping mall is an endangered species. Credit Suisse, the banking and investment company, is forecasting that as many as one out of four U.S. shopping malls will be out of business by 2022.
25% of shopping malls will be shuttered, and along with them the stores that used to be there.
“Thousands of new doors opened and rents soared. This created a bubble, and like housing, that bubble has now burst.”
– Richard Hayne, Urban Outfitters CEO, March 2017
The boom in shopping mall building is over. If you are a retail manager in a mall location, your future is in jeapordy.

Retail jobs, especially in shopping malls, are going the way of buggy whips and dinosaurs.

Fortunately there is a life raft for those of us who made a career as retail managers.
We have a particular set of skills that makes us perfect candidates for a business that will allow us to escape the carnage that is coming to the retail industry.
More than 8000 stores will close in 2017.
Can you support your family on unemployment?
Start making moves now that will protect you and your family from the bursting of the retail bubble.
Click Here to watch a short video that explains how you can start making moves now to protect yourself from the coming storm.