Perrsonal developmen is the key to life

Personal development isn’t just the key to success in network marketing, it’s the key to life.

personal development - young boy learning to tie his shoes

All life is growth. You learn new skills and mindsets and you achieve new things. You crawl, you walk, you run. You learn how to tie a shoe. You learn how to throw a ball and to catch it. You learn how to read, how to study and how to absorb new information. You learn how to show up on time, how to set a goal and how to complete a task. As a result of all these steps in personal development you move forward on your path of life. 

Every step you take on your journey through life is a step forward in personal development. Unless you are just running in place.

You can’t accomplish things you’ve never accomplished unless you learn the skills and the mindsets that will allow you to do it. In fact, this is true of anything you want to achieve. In other words, the benefits of a personal development program are that we learn those skillls and those mindsets that we don’t yet have.

Why are we so surprised?

grow your business

Many of us hear that we need a program in personal development to reach the highest levels in a network marketing business? It surprises us. Why do we think we can come in to network marketing, with no previous experience, and be making a six figure income in six months?

I think there are two reasons for that.

One is that many of us don’t consciously pursue personal development before we come into network marketing. Unless we take a formal class or training program at work, most of us just kind of coast through our lives after we finish school. We stop actively learning things on our own.

The second, and I think more harmful reason is that so many of us in network marketing make it sound like it’s a cake walk to come into this business and earn a ton of money.

As a result, new distributors are surprised when they don’t take off like a rocket. They’re surprised when they’re told that they need to learn new skills and mindsets to achieve the highest ranks in this business.

The Skills Are Not Difficult

The skills it takes to succeed in network marketing are not outside the capacity of most people to learn. I firmly believe that anyone can learn them. Just like most people could learn to build a house, code a program or sew on a button.

Unfortunately, they simply choose not to.

You can achieve whatever goal you want to achieve through network marketing.

You have the capacity. The only thing standing between you and your wildest dreams is learning whatever skills or mindsets you don’t yet have and then putting them into action. A program of personal development.

So what are you waiting for?

Want to learn more?

I love talking about this stuff. Hit me up in the comments or drop me a line and let’s talk about where you are in your journey and where you’d like to be. Maybe I can help.