If you are prospecting for your network marketing business, you are going to run into people who have already made up their minds to not like network marketing. Any network marketing prospecting system that you use will put you in contact with these folks. It is inevitable.
It also isn’t that big of a deal.
If you accept that there are people out there who, for a variety of reasons, will automatically react in a negative fashion if you talk about your network marketing business, you can be prepared to respond positively, no matter what they’re attitude is.

Don’t be attached to the outcome

Back in my real estate days, I attended a seminar by Mike Ferry, who is probably the premier trainer in the real estate industry. One of the most significant things I learned from Mike is to not be attached to the outcome of a prospecting call, a presentation or a deal.
Some prospects will be network marketing prospectingrude, some presentations will fail and some deals won’t close. If you remain detached from the outcome, these events won’t throw you into a tailspin.
It’s the same in network marketing recruiting.

Handle the Network Marketing Prospecting Hater

Whether you are working face-to-face with friends and family, working with a list of purchased leads or leads generated from your online marketing activities, you need to keep yourself detached from the outcome. This will allow you to maintain your positive energy and keep moving forward.
The cool thing about network marketing is that you can treat your prospects like adults, no matter how they act. We’re not out to convince anyone that we have a better way; we simply want to educate them about our opportunity, let the take a look and decide for themselves whether they want to join in. Simple.
So if you get that person who starts ranting about MLM being a scam, or telling you about their uncle George who fell on his face with Amway 40 years ago, don’t take it personally and don’t be attached to their response.
Simply answer with a simple, “Hey, no problem. This isn’t for everybody. Let me ask you, though, who do you know that does want to make some extra money?
Odds are that you don’t get a referral here, but your confidence in what you are doing and your lack of need while talking with them will speak volumes to them and, more importantly, to you.
You don’t need any one individual to absolutely crush it in this business. Like the cliche goes, “Not everyone will be successful in network marketing, but anyone can be.” You’re just looking for the folks who will take a look and then take action if they like what they see.
No big deal.
So get out there and talk to people, talk to leads and find the folks who are willing to just take a look. If they don’t want to, just thank them for their time and move on. You will find network marketing success much sooner if you don’t worry about the folks who don’t see what we do.
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steve norris
Steve Norris’ blog
Skype: norris.steve