Treat Your Network Marketing Career Like a Long Term Commitment


If you’re struggling in your network marketing business, you might think that you have a leads problem.
Odds are, you don’t.
Now you probably don’t have as many leads as you need to grow your business.
You may have blown through your friends and family and have run out of people to talk to.
But, bottom line, you probably have a bigger problem that needs to be addressed before you get to lead generation and that’s

Getting your head right.

You see, if you don’t have your head on right, that is to say, if you are not approaching your network marketing business with the right mindset, all the leads in the world won’t add up to a hill of beans.
I was listening to Ray Higdon the other day.
He outlined a few things that, if they are part of your present mindset, will cause you great difficulty in your business.
Top of his list was:
Not thinking of your network marketing career as a long-term commitment.
Network Marketing, sadly, is often presented as a “get rich quick” deal.
It isn’t.
It is most certainly a better way to create income and, subsequently wealth, but except in unusual circumstances, it will take two to four years of real work to build a substantial business.
If you aren’t prepared for that reality, you will likely be disappointed when you aren’t making $10,000 per month 5 weeks from now.
But think about it…
In a brick and mortar business, you are going to plunk down thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, to buy equipment, lease property, buy inventory, hire staff, etc.
You’ll go into this hoping to break even within a couple years and to recoup your investment in six to eight.
But with network marketing, people feel like they’re failing if they aren’t making $5000 per month after their first quarter.

What’s up with that?

Now, to be fair, some people do come in to a network marketing business and start making serious money in a short period of time.
They are the extreme minority. They came in to the business with some sort of pre-existing network of contacts that allowed them to generate leverage and momentum quickly.
The majority of people getting in to the business do not have that inside track to run on.
So do yourself a favor…
Give yourself a fair opportunity for success.
Decide that you are in for the long term and that you will do the work for whatever period of time it takes to achieve success. Plan on a four year run before you achieve five figures per month.
If it does happen sooner, Fantastic! But plan on grinding it out for the long haul. You will do yourself an enormous service.

If you’d like to learn more

about how to build and grow a network marketing empire, take a look at this short video, which reveals the 5 Step Formula used by the top earners in the industry to get leads, sign up reps and make money.
After you’ve watched it, you’ll know the piece that’s been missing from your daily activities.
Click here to watch the video.