Effective Lead Follow UpSo you’ve bought your leads and downloaded them, or you’ve been generating leads through your marketing. So far, so good.
Now what?
You’ve invested money an/or time to purchase or generate leads. Use these prospecting tips to do your lead follow up and recruit like a Jedi.
So now you have to…

Contact the Leads

Your task now is to do lead follow up and see if there is a fit between what you are offering and what they are looking for in their life.
This is when you sift through the people who have raised their hand to express interest and find out what they are looking for. By requesting information about a home-based business, they are asking a question: “Can you help me earn more money in a way that aligns with my values?”
There are a lot of people who want to stay behind their computer and try to answer this question by email. They don’t want to do lead follow up on the phone, but via email. That’s a mistake.
Big mistake.

People don’t join businesses

People don’t join businesses, they join people. If you are going to develop a team, you have to build a relationship with the people you are trying to recruit. They won’t join and stick if they don’t have a relationship with you and if they don’t believe you can help them reach the future they want.
So to do effective lead follow up, you’ll have to pick up the phone and you’ll have to have a lead follow up plan. You can’t wing it or too many prospective partners and customers are going to fall through the cracks. That’s bad for you and it’s bad for them.
Now you do need to understand, that most of these people are not going to join your, or any, business. And that’s OK. Our job is to educate, not persuade. We’re here to help the folks we can and stay in contact with the rest until the time is right for them to take a closer look at our business or products.

Time to Play

Alright, you’ve downloaded your leads. You should enter their information either in your CRM, or onto a lead follow up sheet. The advantage of a CRM is it can help you plan and track your lead follow up activities with these people over time. This isn’t a one-shot deal and you will want to stay in contact with these folks down the road. A CRM will help you do that. This can be scary, I know. I’ve fought the fear of prospecting for years. I get it.
Don't have a CRM yet?
But if you remember, these are people who have raised their hand and said, “I’m looking”. With lead follow up, all you’re doing is touching base and finding out if you have what they’re looking for. If you do, fantastic! You found a new team member to work with.
If not, no big deal. Not every network marketing company or its products or even each of us is the right fit for everyone. That’s the biggest thing we need to remember. We each picked our primary company didn’t pick others for a variety of perfectly good reasons. Understand that it works this way for your prospects, too.
Respect that. Don’t worry about persuading them into your deal. The right ones will see what you see.

So what do you say?

Open up with something along the line of,
“Hi <their name>, this is <your name> from <your town>. I’m following up with you because you had requested information from one of my web sites about starting a home-based business. Is that still true about you?”
Let them know who you are, why you’re calling and find out if they’re still looking. If they are, ask them a few basic questions to find out what they’re looking for.
Why are you looking for a home-based business?
Are you familiar with network marketing? What are your thoughts about it?
What would the perfect opportunity look like?
What do you do for a living now?
You’re just asking basic questions to get a conversation going and see if this is a person you would like to work with.
If they seem like the right person, ask them something along the line of,
“If I were to send you some information about my company and how we can help you reach your goals, would you want to take a look?”
If they say yes, then arrange to send them your first look information, whether that’s physical information or a web site. Then ask them when they’ll be able to look it over and schedule a another lead follow up call to get their feedback.
We’ll talk about that in the next post in the series.
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steve norris
Steve Norris’ blog
Skype: norris.steve