Why Leaders Use a Lead Generation System to (practically) Guarantee Their Success

lead generation systemFor a thousand perfectly good reasons, there are a lot of people starting a network marketing home business. Most MLM companies and uplines still teach the traditional techniques of making a list of your friends and family members and doing meetings at your (or their) house. And those methods can still work. But what about after you’ve already gone through your friends and family? Or you don’t have much of a warm market? How do you generate mlm leads for your business then? Can you do it online? Is there an MLM lead generation system that works?
Of course there is.
There are probably restrictions on whether or how you can use the name of your network marketing company. Your mlm company may even have restrictions about how they want you to market online, such as from where you can link to their sites, even your company site.
This makes it critical for you to do your marketing to brand yourself, rather than your company. This will keep you from running afoul of your company’s restrictions. It will also protect you from the event that your mlm company goes out of business, taking your business with it. By branding yourself marketing yourself, you can generate mlm leads and build the single most important thing that you will own: your list of mlm leads.

How to do lead generation

There are a lot of outlets for generating mlm leads online. You can operate your own blog (I seriously recommend you do this). You can buy leads from a variety of vendors, but my current favorite is Leaders Club. I’ve even written an article on how to work purchased leads to help you with that. You’ll want to move beyond buying leads as quickly as possible though, because the best mlm leads are the ones you generate through your marketing and branding.

So how do you do that?

You can market on social media, i.e. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest and the like. You can place ads online through Bing or Adwords. Facebook and Twitter also have ad programs you can use.
The drawback to these lead generation tools, though, is that there is so much to learn and when you don’t know what you don’t know, it’s hard to figure out where to start.
That’s where a Lead Generation System like MLSP comes in. MLSP (My Lead System Pro) provides an unbelievable amount of training (they’ve been doing this since 2008) and have developed trainings around every conceivable marketing tactic. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Blogging, Paid and free strategies, you name it. From novice to advanced, they can get you there.

Sales Funnels

The also offer something called Funnelizer, which lets you build landing pages and sales funnels to move your leads from introduction to sale. If you don’t yet know what landing pages or sales funnels are, we can talk about that another time. What you should know at this stage is that you will want to use them and know how to use them effectively and MLSP helps you do that.
In addition to that, they have a feature called Sites, that gives you a high end blog with some of the best plug-ins and templates built in, so you can create a stunning blog in a really short period of time. The reason a blog is important is that it and your list are the things you actually own. I won’t go into it here, but you don’t own your mlm business or downline; your company does. So you need to have your blog and your list so that you are building an asset that will provide for you no matter what happens to your mlm.
I’ve been playing in their sandbox for several months now and it has been an incredible experience. As a reader of this blog, you can get a two week test drive of their entire system for $10 by clicking this link. Definitely worth a try.
Will using Leader’s Club or MLSP absolutely guarantee your success? No. That’s up to you, your drive and your work ethic. But they will put you much further along the path than you will get by yourself.

So why use a lead generation system?

The amount of time a system like MLSP will save you is worth a small fortune. You will learn more, in a more organized fashion and get your self moving forward in much less time than you would by thrashing around on your own. And getting the satisfaction and inner glow of pride by hitting our goals is what we;re all after, right? You will feel that sooner if you follow a proven path.
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steve norris
Steve Norris’ blog
Skype: norris.steve