12 Pounds in 60 DaysMiddle age has been creeping up on me while I wasn’t paying attention. In spite of the best advice to eat right and exercise, I hadn’t been doing exactly that.
So in my mid-fifties I found myself soft and flabby in mind and body.
I’ve been working on the mental flab and focusing on personal development, building bigger goals and carving out a Network Marketing empire to build a wall of financial security around my family.
A couple months ago, I started drinking two beverages per day, one from a red powder and one from a green powder.
Wildcrafted from live, raw fruits (red) and vegetables (green), they each represent 5.5 lbs of whole food super goodness. 5.5 POUNDS!
They are each alkaline and ionic so they help me bring my body chemistry into a better balance and load me up with nutrition that I generally can’t, won’t or don’t eat on my own.
In the two months since I’ve started taking them, my energy levels have increased to where I’ve started going to the gym after work instead of going home and taking a nap. That’s a win.
On top of that, I’ve lost 11.6 lbs to date. That’s another win.
Don’t you just love win-win outcomes?
These two products form the foundation of a complete nutritional system that can probably do for you what it has done for me.
But you won’t know that unless you try them for yourself.
If you’d like more information about the products, drop a comment and I’ll send you some info.
I’ll look forward to hearing your success story.

Steve Norris
Steve Norris

Looking for the comma that's missing from your retirement accounts? So was I. Together, let's fix that. We'll build cash flow through a side-business, use that money to invest and create wealth and build a legacy for our families.