sad little girl

The “I Want it and I Want it Now” mentality is destroying America.

If you’re legally an adult, you probably realize that nothing worth accomplishing is fast, easy, or free. Unfortunately e live in a society where people expect instant results with EVERYTHING they do.

They try marriage for two months, have their first argument, and get divorced. Or maybe they go to the gym and if they aren’t super buff by their third day they quit.

In our business, they join a network marketing company and if they aren’t earning $10k per month by their second month they quit and call it a scam.

small boy upset

The “I want it and I want it now” mentality will lead to heartache, anger and disappointment.

When was the last time you accomplished anything significant in a quick amount of time?

It takes four years to graduate college. Right?

My first job was an entry level job. Wasn’t yours? It took years of work to advance through the ranks didn’t it?

Why is it people will work 40 to 50 years in a career they don’t even enjoy, yet give up in network marketing in less than 60 days?

I think it’s the “I want it and I want it now” mentality. And it’s sad, because people subscribing to that mindset are forever going to be disappointed.

Network marketing isn’t a perfect business, but it is better.

If you start a Network Marketing business, you probably won’t get rich quickly. In fact, you might not make any money at all.

However, if you get started, team up with a good mentor, develop a game plan, do a little bit every day to build your business, and stick with it, you will eventually succeed! Or at least I think so anyway.

The time will go by anyway. Three years from now you’ll wish you would have got started and built up a steadily repeating income! Trust me on that one.