This is Part 5 in my series about starting a home business. You can start at the beginning here.

How to Start Network Marketing

So you found a company. Fantastic!  Let’s talk about building your empire and how to start network marketing. Each company should have their own version of “Fast Start” training. This is something to ask your prospective upline about while you are exploring for the right company for you.
My first advice is to immerse yourself in your chosen company’s culture and in their process for doing the business. One of the things you were looking for during your search was a company and upline that had a proven track to run on. So now that you’ve chosen, get on that track and run flat out!
There are 3 basic things we do to build our business. Whatever getting started training your company has, should include how to accomplish these the functions.

Use the product

The first thing we each do in our how to start network marketing program is use the product. You need to become your own best customer and use your company’s products and discover success stories and benefits around as many of them as you can. Remember, your goal was to find a company whose products you love and would use continually whether or not you were a distributor. Use this experience to create your own best product story. If you genuinely love your products, you will be able to come up with stories about how they work for you.
“This stuff cleaned my dishes better than anything I’ve tried from the stores before, and better yet, it has no toxic ingredients in it.”
“I lost 8 pounds in 4 weeks.”
“My skin looks and feels healthier than it did when I was 20.”
Your story doesn’t need to be mind-blowingly dramatic. One of my own stories about one start network marketingof my company’s products is that it got me to quit drinking coffee. And I never really intended to quit drinking coffee. I was a coffee junkie and loved my coffee, but I started taking this product and felt better. I had energy and focus during the day. Then one Thursday afternoon about two weeks after starting on the product, I realized that I hadn’t had any coffee that week. Not only that, I didn’t really want any. The really surprising thing was that I didn’t get the nasty headache I always got if I didn’t drink coffee. It was really cool.
See, nothing earth shattering. But a serious benefit from a product that I can tell in a compelling story.
So use your products. Get on auto-ship if your company offers one. Discover the benefits that your products provide. Then…

Recommend the Product

This is different than selling the product.
Something I learned in the real estate business is that you can’t really sell anyone on the idea of selling their house. Your job is to be looking for people who, for their own reasons, want to sell their house and then you help them accomplish that goal
I look at developing customers for a network marketing business the same way. When mapping out a plan for how to start network marketing your products, I’d suggest the same viewpoint.
When you are talking with people, some of them will mention a problem your product can solve. At this point you recommend your product as a solution to that problem. If they want to try it, great. If they’re not interested, that’s OK, too. If they think it’s too expensive, they’re entitled to their opinion.
In real estate, if someone wasn’t interested in selling their house, that was OK. If a server offers you more coffee at a restaurant and you don’t want any, she doesn’t try to persuade you why you really want more coffee. She just goes on to the next table. Same thing here. No big deal.
This is how you will, over time, develop a large base of paying customers  without become a pain in someone’s neck.
Sometimes, when you are talking to people, the problem they have is one that could be solved by them building a side business in network marketing. This is when you will…

Invite people to take a look

Finding and recruiting business builders is how you will build your empire. The third leg of your plan on how to start network marketing is to be inviting people to “just take a look” at the opportunity.
If they express interest, you will provide them with a tool recommended by your company, either a DVD, a website or some other medium. The tool will do the presenting for you and you will do the follow-up and relationship building with your prospect.
Again, I’m not big into selling people on joining. Either it’s the right time and the right opportunity for them or it isn’t. No big deal. They may have questions, they may even have some objections that can be addressed to get them to see the fit for them, but in the end, I’m not big on persuading people to join. I’m convinced that you will end up needing to re-sell them along the way. The people who will be successful, will see the opportunity for what it is and how it fits for them at this time in their life. They will want to move ahead without coaxing from you.

Teach new builders to do those three things

OK, really, there are four things we do. The last one is to teach all of your new people how to start network marketing by doing the three tasks we talked about: use the product, recommend the product, and invite people to “just take a look”. Teaching your people this simple three step system will result in duplication, growth and that magic geometric duplication that will build your business to epic proportions.
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steve norris
Steve Norris’ blog
Skype: norris.steve