frustrated young man at laptop - network marketing success

Becoming a raging Network Marketing success story doesn’t need to be complicated.

You don’t have to persuade people to be customers or to join your business.

Not only that, you don’t have to fret over which person will or won’t join you.

Your job is simple.

Invite people to just take a look.

That’s it.

Find people to talk to

You need to begin by finding people to talk to about your products and your opportunity. Fortunately, there are people everywhere.

Whether you begin with people you know (your warm market) or people you don’t yet know is a matter of choice. Your upline probably has a plan in place for this.

You invite them to take a look. A tool such as a video, a webinar, a zoom call or a webinar does the presentation. The prospective partner/customer decides what the right thing is for them. Your job is to deliver the story.

They may ask you some questions. If you know the answer you can answer and if you don’t you can connect them with your sponsor on a 3 way call to get them the answers.

Easy peasy.

You’re the messenger.

You’re primary part of the sponsoring process is to get the person in front of the information. You are looking for people that a side business is the right thing for them to be doing right now. No one else.

If you make your job only about talking to people and finding out for whom this business might be a fit and then getting the information in forn of them, you will achieve Network Marketing success beyond your fondest dreams.

The hardest part of this business is sticking with it long enough to develop the skill to find people to talk to and then sifting through those people until you find the 4 or 5 that you will build your empire with.

So relax, you got this.

The skills you need can be learned. You learned how to drive a car. There was a time you didn’t know how to operate a computer, but you learned. You can learn the skills that create Network Marketing success.

And there’s no pressure to sell anyone.

If you have to convince someone that this is the right thing for them, you’ll have to convince them again and again. We’re only looking for people who see what we see and want to do something to change their current situation.

Take a breath, take your time and just ask someone, “If you could increase your income with a side business that wouldn’t get in the way of what you’re doing now, would you want to take a look?”

And you’re off….