Decide to succeed.

Hi there everyone. Welcome to another episode of Mindset Monday.

Today we’re going to talk about decisions.

The most important step you need to take in order to achieve the lifestyle you want to achieve through your network marketing business is for you to firmly decide to make it happen.
Decide to succeed in your business. Commit to the notion that you are going to be successful in your business.
We each have to decide – “My business will be successful – no matter what”.
The hardest transition to make for a lot of people is to move from employee to owner. They are so used to doing what they are told and working toward the goals their boss gives them, that they don’t know how to make their decisions about their work and their priorities and what they need to do to get the deal done once they are out on their own. There are a lot of things to learn and to un-learn, but none of that happens until we decide that we are going to do whatever it takes to get the results we want.


Network Marketing works.

In the network marketing industry, you don’t have to wonder whether it will work or not. It’s a proven model and you and I each know loads of people who are succeeding wildly in a wide variety of MLM companies. They used different methods with different companies and have achieved wild success. I think it’s completely accurate to say that if there is anyone in your company earning the kind of money you want to earn, then you can absolutely do it, too.
If one person can achieve a given result in life, anyone else can as well.
You simply have to decide that you are going to keep going until you figure it out, overcome your fears, learn the skills you need to learn, learn what works for you and make it happen.
The thing we most need to accomplish in our business is fixing the problems we have between our ears.
We have to think differently – to change our minds and change how we look at work. We must decide to succeed.
People will ask you, how long are you going to give it until you decide whether it’s going to work… the correct answer is that I’ve already decided it’s going to work and I’m going to keep at it until it’s done.

The only person keeping you from all the success you dream about is you.

I know of a woman in my company who was in the MLM industry for 18 years before she broke through and started hitting a five-figure monthly income. How many of us would have that kind of tenacity, that kind of dedication, that kind of resolve?
But she had made a decision to succeed and giving up was not part of her mindset. That’s the decision each of us needs to make. Then we need to follow through on that decision the next day, and the day after that and then the day after that, until we achieve the dreams we’ve chosen.
Jim Rohn once said that the pain of discipline weighs ounces while the pain of regret weighs tons. If you’re like I am, you can look back on things you gave up on and you feel the pain of regret from those decisions.
I’m encouraging you to make a decision, right now, that you are going to dig in and stick with your MLM business no matter what. You’ll do the work. You’ll learn what you need to learn. You’ll find the answers that are out there, put them to use and break through to your own success story.
I’m not telling you it’s going to be easy, but I can tell you it will be worth it.
I’d like to help you if I can. You can call me at 971-720-2522 or send me an email at You can also subscribe to my newsletter in the box to the right.
I look forward to hearing from you. Have a great day.