Young boy tying his shoes

Massive Success.

Depressing Failure.

People produce both in network marketing.

What is the difference between those who earn and those who don’t?
What is the secret to building a large network marketing organization?
Is there a crucial Network Marketing skill that the leaders have?

Yes, there is.

There are lots of people enrolling in your company every day. They each start out with the same company, the same comp plan and the same products as everyone else does.

Yet some of those people earn lots of money while most don’t make any.

The question to be asked is, “Why?”

Why do some people make huge incomes and some people, given the identical opportunity make nothing?

The answer is Network Marketing Skills.

You need network marketing skills to succeed.

If you were a plumber and you decided you wanted to be an electrician, you’d need to learn some new skills to be effective, right?

But when people get into a network marketing business, many seem to think (and many sponsors seem to encourage this) that you won’t need to learn any new skills to be effective at your new business.

How crazy is that?

How do we get checks?

So let me ask you a simple question: How do we earn money in Network Marketing?

We earn money, we get checks, when people buy products. Period.

When new people join and make their initial purchase, when they re-order products and when their customers and our customers buy products.

That’s what gets us paid.

What do we have to do to make those things happen so that we EARN those checks?

We earn checks by teaching our team the Four Things They Must Do to succeed so that they can do it without us.

Our team needs the Network Marketing skills to develop customers and distributors.

So how do they learn these skills?

I like a story Mark Januszewski, who bills himself as the “World’s Laziest Networker” uses to illustrate this. Mark talks about teaching a toddler to tie their own shoes.

Young boy tying his shoes

When you are teaching a toddler to tie their shoes, you do it for them while they watch and you talk them through it. Then you help them do it themselves. Then you coach them to get the knots a little tighter, the loops a little more even and in a week or two, the child is tying their shoes on their own.

The result is that they’ve accomplished a new skill and you have relieved yourself of a task and responsibility. Now the child is independent of you for tying their shoes.

Learning network marketing skills is like that.

You teach your people the skills they need to do the business successfully. They watch you do it. Then you talk them through it and coach them on how to improve. Then they are trained in the skills to succeed and ready to move forward without you.

Ours is a teaching business.

We as sponsors are responsible for teaching our new enrollees the network marketing skills they need to succeed in the business.

To not do this assumes that, simply by signing a distributor application and buying some products, they now know how to:

  • Approach people.
  • Invite them to take a look.
  • Give a presentation.
  • Answer questions a prospect might have about the business and products.
  • Teach someone to do those things.

Since that would be foolish to believe, we are irresponsible as sponsors if we send people out without helping them develop the skills to succeed.

So if your upline doesn’t have a system in place for you to teach your new people the skills to succeed, it is your responsibility as a sponsor to put a program together and make that happen.

That’s how you will build a team.

It’s how you will build an organization that moves a lot of product.

And it’s how you will earn a large income.

And most important of all, it’s how you will fulfill your resposibility to your team and help them to achieve each of those things as well.

You must teach your team the skills.

When you build your people, your people will build the business.