steve out on a walk - still grinding

Grinding or Leverage

Can you get leverage without grinding? I was having a conversation with someone on Facebook who stated that she wasn't into grinding, she was into leverage. While I'm a big fan of
Perrsonal developmen is the key to life

Personal Development is the Key to Life

Personal development isn't just the key to success in network marketing, it's the key to life. All life is growth. You learn new skills and mindsets and you achieve new things. You
sad little girl

I Want it NOW!

The "I Want it and I Want it Now" mentality is destroying America. If you're legally an adult, you probably realize that nothing worth accomplishing is fast, easy, or free.
Steve Norris - Missing Comma

I've Lost 11.6 pounds in 60 Days

Middle age has been creeping up on me while I wasn't paying attention. In spite of the best advice to eat right and exercise, I hadn't been doing exactly that. So

Nobody Wants to Do Network Marketing

Nobody Wants to Do Network Marketing I love network marketing. It is a fantastic business model that provides a better way to earn a living than any other occupation I know. Even so,
Steve Norris - Missing Comma

Want or Need?

Do They Want or Do They Need? As I talk to more and more people about getting involved with a network marketing business, I'm learning an interesting thing. There are a lot
Steve Norris - Missing Comma

Tired of the MLM Lead Pitches?

Pitches for How to Generate MLM Leads are Everywhere. You can't go on Twitter or a Facebook group without seeing six of the same "Get MLM Lead" ads posted by wanna