
Network Marketing Skill – Rapport

Whether you get a yes-decision from your prospect or a no-decision from your prospect is decided before you give your presentation. It doesn’t matter if you are approaching someone online,

3 Steps to Network Marketing Success

People try to complicate Network Marketing. I don't know why. Maybe they have a training course they want to sell you. In order to justify the $297 price they need to
man and woman sharing wine on a blanket

Direct Cellars Closes. What Can We Learn?

As Direct Cellars closes, I'm thinking about this wine club that followed a Network Marketing model. Corporate leadership announced on a call Sunday, that the company would close its doors
MLM training course Man in front of whiteboard

You Don’t Need Another MLM Training Course.

Most people I meet who aren't growing are failing because of a lack of implementation, not a lack of knowledge. If your business isn't growing, odds are you already know what to do. At least to get you moving forward and rank advancing.
shopping mall

Shopping Malls, Buggy Whips and Dinosaurs

The shopping mall is an endangered species. Credit Suisse, the banking and investment company, is forecasting that as many as one out of four U.S. shopping malls will be out