This News Sucks for Your Grandkids

7.5% That's the year-over-year inflation rate the government reported this morning. That’s the highest number reported since 1982 back when I was a kid. The big contributors to that number, they say, are

Are You Watching Your Retirement Vanish?

The Dow dropped 4.4% in January and the S&P was down 7% We're quickly giving back the gains we got in 2021. And with Fed rate hikes and inflation on the table,

What You Don’t Know Might Hurt You

What You Don't Know Might Hurt You The disruption caused by Covid is probably bigger than you've been told. Yes, unemployment is still a problem. Businesses have closed that aren't going to

Support H.R. 5230

ATTENTION US NETWORK MARKETERS AND DIRECT SELLERS This was first brought to my attention by Richard Brooke. For those of you involved in Network Marketing/ Direct Sales businesses in the US, legislation