This is Post 7 in my series about starting a home business. You can start at the beginning here.
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The “No List” Problem

You’ve gotten started on your list, capturing the contact information of everyone in your existing network. You’ve begun reaching out to them and inviting them to “just take a look”. You’ve begun the process of adding people to your list as you meet them and seeing if these people have a problem that your business or products can solve.

Or you haven’t.

There’s a common problem among folks starting out in network marketing (mlm). They will often make a list of the people who they think will be a good fit for the business, rather than a complete list of all the people they know. Then they’ll call this abbreviated list of people, whether it’s 6 names or 60, and then not know what to do next.
Or, they’ve been in mlm before and went through that list. Then when they didn’t know how to build the business from that point, they dropped out. They don’t want to go back to those folks again, because they feel like a failure.
So what do you do if you don’t have people to contact?

Two things.

You learn how to market yourself and generate mlm leads. You learn the skills to build a marketing platform that attracts people to you, so that you aren’t the one looking for people. They find you. They contact you, ready to have their questions answered and partner up with you. You become a magnet for people looking for an opportunity by learning the skills of attraction marketing.
In the long run, this is the most valuable skill you can have and it will make you an unstoppable force in the business.
Like all new skills, though, this takes time to learn and master. It doesn’t happen overnight.
What do you do in the mean time?

Buy mlm leads.

You need a continuous supply of people to talk to about your business. The facts are that people will quit and you will need to sponsor new people every month to keep your group growing. The old cliché about the speed of the leader being the speed of the pack holds true. If you don’t sponsor and bring in new people, neither will your downline. So not only do you need a continuous supply of mlm leads, so does your team.
Until you and your team learn the secrets and skills to generating leads online, you’ll want them using a proven source to buy mlm leads each month. This gives them the people to contact and the means to grow.
There are companies out there whose business it is to generate mlm leads online and then sell those leads to people like you and me.
The company I use to buy mlm leads has been in business since before the internet. They generate solid leads and deliver them on either a daily or monthly basis. I buy mlm leads daily because it builds better consistency for my work. The company pays up to 35% of your front line volume, up to 15% for Level 2 and between 3% and 10% for levels 3 through 5. There are other sources out there to buy mlm leads, but these folks have treated me well so I continue to use them.
Using this part of the system gives even the newest builder a consistent supply of people to talk to. With our simple script and prospecting system, they can hit the ground running from day 1. With everyone buying mlm leads from the same source and getting an additional check every month, this provides the glue that helps your retention of new builders.

The 1% Rule

grow your businessYou and your entire group can make money simply by converting 1% of the people you talk to. For instance, if you have 100 people in your group and each of you buy mlm leads and contact 100 in a given month, that activity will generate 10,000 contacts in your group. If you, as a group, convert just 1% of those, that adds 100 new people to your group.
The same rule applies if it’s just you. You buy mlm leads and contact 100 of them in a month and convert 1%. The next month there will be two of you each contacting 100 leads. Converting 1% brings two new people into the group, making a total of four. And on it goes.
Until you develop the skills and the online presence to generate a continuous supply of mlm leads yourself, buying mlm leads will give you and your team people to talk to right out of the gate and give you a boost in income to help you move forward. It’s a simple, effective system that duplicates well.
Did this help you? If so, I’d appreciate it if you’d post a comment below and share it on Facebook.
steve norris
Steve Norris’ blog
Skype: norris.steve