Do you have an employee mindset or a business mindset?
Everything we do begins with what we think about that task. Our mindset determines whether we succeed or fail before we even start a project. Beacause of this, even though it isn’t their fault, most people who fail in Network Marketing do so because their business mindset isn’t right to begin with.
Most of us spend our entire lives being conditioned to follow instructions.
Do what your parents say or you get spanked. Do what your teachers tell you to do or you get sent to the principal’s office for discipline. Do what your boss says or you could get fired.
Those boundaries are helpful sometimes, but when you are conditioned that way for your entire life and then want to start a Network Marketing business, it can make succeeding a bigger challenge.
We go to school for 12 or 16 or more years and that entire process is devoted to teaching us how to fit into The System. You know the one: get your education so you can get a “good” job.
A job where you do what you’re told when you’re told to do it. You work on the projects you’re handed and pursue the goals someone else chooses. You stay inside the box, follow instructions and toe the line your bosses provide.
And this is all to help someone else achieve their dreams!
Your work fulfills the dreams of the people who own the company you work for.
And you are supposed to do this for 40-odd years until you retire.
Then along comes a Network Marketing opportunity.

All of a sudden, you get to work when you want to. You work on the things that you decide will move your business forward. No bosses. No time clock.
But since you’re conditioned to work on the things you’re told to work on, you don’t do anything.
You haven’t yet developed a business mindset.
All of your previous experience, training and conditioning cause you to think and behave as an employee. Instead of taking action to move your business forward, you wait for instructions. You make the mistake of waiting for the company or your upline to tell you what to do. Then nothing happens and you blame the company or Network Marketing for failing.
To succeed in Network Marketing you need to escape the employee mindset.
The conditioning you’ve been exposed to your whole life isn’t serving you as an entrepreneur.
An entrepreneur will move forward without explicit direction. They will create their own structure, develop their own resources, produce their own content and push through obstacles without a supervisor telling them what to do. That’s what a business mindset does for you.
Business mindset vs. Employee mindset
One of the things you give up when you set out on your own path is security.
On your job you get paid by the hour or by salary. You put in your time and you get paid. Money comes in every week or every other week.
In Network Marketing (or any other side hustle you might start) you’re going to put in a lot of time, effort and maybe even expense before you start seeing any money come in. And when the money does start coming in, it likely won’t be in the proportion to time that you’re used to from your job.
There’s an old saying in Network Marketing that, in the beginning you do a whole lot of work that you don’t get paid for but eventually you get paid for a whole lot of work that you don’t do.
To succeed as a business owner, you need to develop a business mindset.
You have to be willing to prime the pump, put in the time with the knowledge that you might not even succeed in the end. But you’re willing to take that risk because you have a business mindset that knows that you’ll adapt, adjust and learn as you go and you’ll keep on doing that until you eventually smash your goals.
So go out there and get started. Develop yourself, build your mindset and push forward toward your dreams. You got this.
One thing that has helped me develop a business mindset is listening to the stories of people who have already done what I want to do. Then I model my thinking and my actions after them.

“My Path to a 7-Figure Income” is a Free Mini-Course that outlines the exact “treasure map” of a top earner’s 4-year journey, from Zero Dollars per year to over One Million Dollars per year, within a 4-year period. It’s a little over an hour of solid how-to information for Network Marketing success. Click the picture or this link to watch the video.