How to Build a Network Marketing Team That Sticks

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When you’re looking to build a team in network marketing, it’s important to remember that not everyone is going to be a good fit. In fact, most people probably won’t be. I mean, everyone will tell you they want more money. Everyone will tell you they want to live longer and be healthier. But most people won’t actually take the steps to make those things a reality.

That’s because most people aren’t interested in building a business. They don’t want to put in the time and effort required to be successful. They would rather just stay in their comfort zone and keep doing what they’re doing. Which is cool, but it makes them a poor prospect for you.

At the same time, you don’t want to just focus on the few people who are heavy hitters, the people I call the 3%’rs. Going after them is a red ocean strategy. That’s the basic model the industry follows right now. Instead, you want to look for people who are career frustrated, who look down the road and don’t see what they like. People who will take action if you can show them what to do to reach their dreams.

1. Why building a team is important in network marketing

To build a successful network marketing business, you need to build a team. That’s because network marketing is all about geometric growth. With a solid team in place, you can achieve far more than you ever could on your own. But building that team isn’t easy. It takes time and effort to identify and attract the right people, create a supportive and encouraging environment, and provide the necessary training and resources. But with these tips, you’re on your way to creating a winning team.

The importance of building a team in network marketing

There are a few reasons why building a team is so important in network marketing. First and foremost, network marketing is all about geometric growth. With a solid team in place, you can achieve far more than you ever could on your own. The idea that makes network marketing superior to other home-based business opportunities is that you don’t have to do all the work yourself. You don’t have to be the focal point of all action and you don’t have to personally be a superstar to have a big team that produces and sticks

2. How to identify the right people to build your team

One of the most important steps in building a successful team is identifying the right people. You need individuals who are committed to taking action and achieving results. You also need people who share your values and vision for the business. And finally, you need people who are coachable and willing to learn. With the right people on your team, you’ll be well on your way to success.

The 70%

One of my mentors, Dale Calvert, taught me the idea that of all the people in the world 70% of them are going to die broke. That’s just a fact of life and neither you, I nor the network marketing profession can change it.

For whatever reason, these folks either have too many self-limiting beliefs that they can’t get past, or they don’t have enough people in their world encouraging them to adopt a more positive mindset. They don’t believe they can have more or that they deserve more. They’re going to stay on whatever path they’re on for the rest of their life.

The 3%

On the other end of the scale, 3% of the people in the world are going to get done whatever they decide to get done. They have more internal drive than the rest of us and when they’re exposed to the idea of MLM, they just go out and get their build done. Doesn’t matter what company, what product, what sponsor – they are going to build it big.

Most of the industry right now is composed of people chasing this small sliver of people, hoping to recruit one of these “heavy hitters”. It’s a great big circle jerk of 3%’rs looking for 3%’rs who are looking for 3%’rs. And if you aren’t a 3%’r yourself, you won’t make it in their world, because they think everyone who isn’t like they are is just a loser without the drive to figure it out and make it happen on their own.

The 27%

Then there is the rest of us.

They (we?) are career frustrated. They look down the road five years and think, my gosh, where am I going? Where am I going to be if I continue doing what I’m doing today? Does my boss have the lifestyle I want? Can I stay on this path and get the life I want for myself and my kids? Will I be able to find the comma that’s missing from my retirement plan? Where am I gonna end up?

These folks are looking for opportunity and they’re looking for direction and they’re looking for some way to break out of the pattern.

These are the people we can help the most and with whom we can build an empire.

3. How to create a supportive and encouraging environment

Once you’ve identified the right people for your team, it’s time to create a supportive and encouraging environment. This means being available for questions, providing resources and training, and offering regular encouragement. Remember, building a team is an ongoing process, not a one-time event.

If you’re working with the 27%’rs you want to look at building your team the way you would build a franchise.

Many moons ago, I was a franchise consultant for one of the big multinationals. Before I was allowed to meet with and support their franchisees, they sent me through the same training school they sent a new franchisee to.

There, we were taught the fundamentals of operating that business. Everything from ordering to hiring to bookkeeping. A to Z.

Then they had me operate a unit for 6 months to make sure I knew how to run a unit the way they taught.

And only then was I sent into the field to work with franchisees.

It didn’t matter how much I knew about retail and management before I got there. That was gravy. What was important was that I knew how to operate that particular franchise model.

And it worked. I was able to help franchisees successfully start and build their turn-key business because I was taught how to operate the system.

And that’s what you need for the 27%: a turn-key system they can implement.

So that they can come into the business and learn a successful system and learn how to implement that system to create their own success. And then go on to teach it to others.

4. How to provide the necessary training and resources

It’s important to have a system to provide a variety of training and resources to help your team build their business. This includes online training, as well as support from you and other team members.


When someone joins your network marketing team, they should receive onboarding materials that introduce them to the company, the product, and the opportunity. This can include an overview of the business model, training on how to sell and promote the product, and resources for building their customer base.

For example, on my team, we have a step-by-step system to take a person from complete rookie to working and profiting in their first 20 days. A daily step-by-step plan to get started, find their first leads, and make their first sales.


Once you have a person through the start-up phase, ongoing training is important for keeping your team members up to date on product changes, new marketing initiatives, and company news. Online training courses, webinars, and Facebook Groups are a terrific way to provide this training and allow team members to access the information when it’s convenient for them. You can also supplement online training with in-person events and conference calls.

5. How to offer regular encouragement

Finally, it’s important to offer regular encouragement to your team members. Recognize their successes, big and small. Celebrate birthdays and anniversaries. And just check in regularly to see how they’re doing. A little bit of encouragement can go a long way in keeping your team motivated and engaged.

Building a network marketing team doesn’t have to be complicated. By following these simple steps, you can build a team of motivated, successful reps that will stick with you for the long haul.

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Steve Norris
Steve Norris

Looking for the comma that's missing from your retirement accounts? So was I. Together, let's fix that. We'll build cash flow through a side-business, use that money to invest and create wealth and build a legacy for our families.