Business Building and Attraction Marketing

I’m sitting here at the end of Father’s Day, thinking back on the past twenty two years of raising my two girls. my-girls
I talked with both my daughters today, who are both married and off on their own now. One of them just got an offer accepted on a new house, the other is trying to break out of the drudgery of the jobs you get when you’re twenty. They are both bright, happy young women. We have a good relationship, so I guess their mom and I did a few things right along the way.

But I still have some regrets…

I remember some of the concerts I missed or the events I missed because I had to work. I remember not having the money to send one of them for a summer session at NYU when she was in high school. Not taking that trip to Disneyland.
While they had a good and safe and loving childhood, I still regret that I hadn’t developed my own business that would have given me the freedom to take off when I wanted to. To let me be there for all the events. Take the family trips that we never did. I know it isn’t necessary to do that for a kid to feel loved, but I still wish it would have been so.
How about you?
You’re wanting to build a home based business for some reason. Is family one of the motivators for you wanting to build a better life? Would you like to learn how to practice attraction marketing, generate leads and build your business now, instead of years from now? Without having to pitch your friends, neighbors or hair stylist?
If you are struggling to get some momentum going in your business, I might be able to help.  I didn’t build my business while my kids were young, but I’ll be ready for the grandchildren. If you have run out of friends and family to talk to, I can show you a better way. A way to attract people to you who want to join you in your business. You can avoid the pain of regret and build your business now.