“After the holiday…” right?
I can tell you with 100% certainty that wealthy people—you know, people who have learned how to create wealth—are not using the “After the holiday…” excuse.
They are cranking and pushing at the highest level possible right now so that they keep their production up because they know the holidays will take several work days out of the equation and they have to make up for that loss of time.
Only people who are used to losing are using the holiday as an excuse.
All I can do for people is keep giving them the correct data and hope that they get it.
So here’s the reality…
The Real Pandemic
Right now what is relevant is the “pandemic” of procrastinators who are currently using the “After the holidays…” excuse to put off taking responsibility for their conditions.
Folks, you’ve seen the news.
Inflation is at record-breaking levels right now.
The prices of many food items have doubled in just the last few months.
Rents are sky-rocketing.
If you wait to handle your income situation you are going to be in for a world of pain.
And the longer you wait, the hard it’s going to be to fix it.
How to Fix It
The ONLY solution I’ve come up for handling the stupidity of government decisions which make all our lives harder is to be so productive that you can maintain your lifestyle. You have to stay ahead of the problem.
Not only are they stealing half your income, you know, taxes, but inflation is taking another 5% to 50% per year (depending on which products you are gauging).
If you are not INCREASING your earnings steadily, you are getting poorer.
And no one is coming to rescue you.
The most recent rounds of “rescue” (stimulus) mainly accomplished these insane levels of inflation and future debt, thus making life far harder for the poor.
The only security you have is your own ability.
I’d strongly suggest that you start learning the skills you need to generate income right now, not later.
We’ve done everything we can for you.
We show you how to do it.
We plug you into a home-based vehicle that pays 20X more than others, to make it way easier on you.
Correct Advice
I’m very sorry if you do not like this advice, but it is the CORRECT advice, and you know it.
I’ll put a link down below so you can see the fastest and easiest way to drastically change your conditions, without having to create your own products, without having to hire staff, without having to hire lawyers, get permits, buy inventory, acquire merchant processing, and 100 other things you have to do with a typical business.
Like I said, we’ve made it easy.
Sure, there are a lot of ways to get into business, but why make it so hard on yourself?
Start making things better today.
Have a great weekend. Talk soon.