hand holding up four fingers
4 Things You Must Do to Succeed in Network Marketing

In several posts I talk about things that you should do while building your network marketing empire. I also talk about things you shouldn’t do. In this post we’re going to talk about the four things you absolutely must do to build a huge and successful network marketing business. Every big earner in every company has done and is doing these four things. They are the basics.

The first thing you have to do is get in and get started.

You can’t reach any destination if you don’t, sooner or later, stop thinking about it, planning about it and dreaming about it. To build your empire you need to take that first step of action. Then you have to take another. And another until the process of building the business becomes a habit.

You must make the decision that you are going to build your empire no matter what. Once you have genuinely reached that commitment, you will figure out what you need to figure out as you go. Without a commitment to yourself to do what is necessary to win, it is too easy to give in when the going gets a little tough. Decide. Commit.

You. Can. Do. This.

The second thing you must do is use the products.

Use as many of your company’s products as you can. Find one or two (or more!) that really light your fire and that you want to use forever. This will get you excited about your company and your business and give you stories to tell to prospective customers and partners. The more you use them and talk about them, the more customers you will develop and the more your team will do the same.

If you can’t find products in your company’s line that you are genuinely crazy about, you should find another company. Building a sales network is hard already. Don’t give yourself the extra burden of trying to sell a prodcut you don’t truly believe in.

The third thing you must do to succeed in your network marketing business is to sponsor new distributors and build your team.

Don’t make this more complicated than it is.

Your job is to talk to people about your opportunity and invite them to “just take a look.” We don’t sell people into joining our business.

We provide information that gives them another option in their lives. Then they get to sell themselves into the business if they decide it will add value to their lives.

Let the tools and the prospects do their own jobs. Yours is to invite.

When someone new joins your team, you help them get the ball rolling. You teach them how to invite people to “just take a look”. If you duplicate that through your team, you and they will be unstoppable.

The fourth thing you must do is attract customers for your product or service.

You’ll do this as part of building your team. People who don’t want to build a business (and that’s most of them) may well be interested in using your product. Ask them. You don’t need a huge number of customers, probably 5 or 10 will do, but you do need them and you do need to teach your people to acquire them, too.

If each person in your organization has five retail customers each month, your group volume increases 5-fold. Is it easier to recruit and train a team of 1000 who each do $500 in volume or 5000 who each do $100?

So those are the four basic things you must do to succeed in your network marketing business. Work on these every day. Before you know it, you’ll have reached new heights of success and begin living a life beyond money.